Bank holiday business mistake – Part 2

Hi everyone,
Hope you had a profitable week? As mentioned in my last email I wanted to finish highlighting a couple of HUGE business errors I noticed whilst visiting the Hampton Court Food Festival last bank holiday weekend.
In my last email I highlighted the branding errors that many of the exhibitors had made and how they could of maximised the event.
I was overwhelmed with your replies. Everyone seemed to need advice on how to make their marketing work better for them. In fact one of the exhibitors (Let’s call her Mandy to save her embarrassment) emailed me confirming my suspicions. Apparently she spent £2,964 on a stand and was pleasantly run off her feet serving samples of her tasty treats. The orders did flow regularly, but at £4 per portion her bottom line was less than impressive. Mandy’s business depends on these types of events, so she was concerned about solving the issue. I decided the best thing was to schedule a quick call to help her out.
It was during the call I discussed the SECOND mistake I noticed…
During the whole day not one vendor asked me or gave me any reason to supply them with my contact details. How on earth could they follow up? How could they get me to order again? I had purchased lots of great products and would likely be mindful to buy them again, but I have no way of doing so and I can’t remember any of the exhibitor’s names.
Personally, I would have used an offer to gain customer’s details at the event. Then by the time they got home sent them an email with another tasty reason to buy again – possibly a great subscription offer where a box of tempting treats arrives at my door each month and my credit card automatically debited. Not everyone would go for it of course, but you only need a few of the many hundred of customers to take up the offer. That’s turning a single purchase into a twelvefold (and possibly more) lifetime value.
Suddenly that initial event fee is looking like a much better investment!
If you are feeling that a recent marketing event or campaign could have yielded better results then don’t fret. I’m more than happy to offer you a free 15 minute chat to help you out just like Mandy.
Simply call my team on 020 7293 0862 or hit the reply button and ask for a ‘marketing diagnostic’. You won’t regret it. A small change can have a massive impact on return on investment.